Urban climate change information platform for Niamey in Niger, tailored to the needs of local authorities and stakeholders from civil society


Climate change projections point towards increasingly devastating heatwaves occurring in Africa in the decades to come. In cities, exposure to extreme heat is exacerbated by the phenomenon of urban heat islands and poor housing conditions, impacting health, and affecting vulnerable population. In Niamey, the capital of Niger, population projections predict an even bigger urban stress. Yet, public and civil actors lack solid and data-driven evidence of the heat trends and climate future. The formulation of effective climate resilience measures is strongly hampered by this lack of suitable and accessible urban climate information.



The general objective of the project was to meet this data need in the urban agglomeration of Niamey to increase awareness with respect to the projected impacts of climate change on future extreme urban heat stress, and to highlight the need for early-stage and structural mitigation measures. 

Specific objectives were:

  • to establish an open web-based Urban CLimate change Information Platform (u-CLIP) for Niamey, tailored to suit the needs of local authorities and stakeholders from civil society;
  • to ensure uptake of the u-CLIP platform by local actors, thus assisting the formulation of widely supported measures to enhance Niamey’s resilience to projected impacts of climate change; 
  • to develop a plan to achieve a massive upscaling of the u-CLIP platform towards other cities across the African continent.


  • Digital platform with high-resolution urban climate information;
  • Identification of the urban heat island effects now and in the future;
  • Support for Niamey city officials to moderate the impact of heat waves for the health sector and to enforce the energy sector with information about cooling degree days;
  • Involvement of city officials, councils, youth and local urban planning experts;
  • Capacity building.


Budget: 316.000€

Funded by a grant from Enabel’s Wehubit programme (90%)

Implemented by

  • VITO (coordinator)
  • ACMAD, the African Centre for Meteorological Applications for Development
  • Ville de Niamey (Département de l’environnement et des aménagements paysagers)                                                                                                                                      

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