A database for global-to-local climate impacts
The goal of PROVIDE is to create an online platform providing detailed information on overshoot scenarios and expected impacts and their reversibility, with unique sectoral coverage including extreme events, biodiversity, cryosphere, sea level rise, agriculture, economic damages, socio-economic vulnerabilities among others. The information includes global, national and city level modelling results. The design and presentation of the data is co-developed together with stakeholders. An overshoot proofing module for adaptation planning will be made available for adaptation planners. The Overshoot Proofing Methodology is co-developed together with a diverse group of stakeholders within the PROVIDE project. VITO is responsible for the city level impact and adaptation modelling.
In the PROVIDE project, VITO is responsible for generating a database of climatological information of 140 cities worldwide. Using our UrbClim model, we generated present and future information on meteorological variables for three future scenarios. This is converted into an impactful indicator giving an idea of the impact of climate change on heat stress within the city.

Secondly, for a selection of cities, land use adaptation scenarios for heat stress are modelled at both 100m and 1m to understand the mitigating effects of land use land cover changes within the city on heat stress.

Data for the 140 cities worldwide is made available in an online dashboard, allowing the users not only to explore the data both graphically and spatially, but also to generate figures and download the data in several geospatial formats. For a selection of cities, a heat stress adaptation narrative is generated, supported with impactful data and visualisation, showcasing the potential positive effects of land use planning on heat stress within the city.

Budget: 5M€
Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101003687.
Implemented by the PROVIDE consortium (2021-2024)