Copernicus Biodiversity

Climate change puts pressure on biodiversity as well as on ecosystem services that are crucial for human well-being. The C3S SIS to support Global Biodiversity provides operational climate indicators for proper assessment and management of biodiversity loss.


Mitigating the threat that biodiversity faces from climate change requires a proper management of ecosystems, for instance through ecosystem restoration or species dispersal measures. Yet this is often hindered by a lack of appropriate and easily available information about the future climate.


Within the SIS for Global Biodiversity, the goal was to develop tailored climate-biodiversity indicators to assess the impact of temperature, rainfall, and other atmospheric, terrestrial or oceanic variables on:

  • habitat suitability
  • species distribution
  • species fitness and reproduction
  • ecosystem services

The six use cases, from the upper left corner in clockwise direction: sea water temperature-dependent pelagic fish distributions in the North Atlantic; seal reproduction and habitat use with changing ice conditions in the Baltic Sea; northern Europe grassland management practice under climate change; climate change resilience of hedgerows serving as agricultural field margins; tropical forest biodiversity in Central Africa; habitat suitability of golden-headed lion tamarins under climate change in Brazil.


  • Extensive dataset of customized bioclimate indicators for the past and future
  • Interactive applications 
  • Co-creation process with biodiversity experts
  • Support for quantifying climate impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services, and designing conservation measures around the world
  • Publication: Ceccarelli, V., M. Ekué, T. Fremout, H. Gaisberger, C. Kettle, H. Taedoumg, H. Wouters, E. Vanuytrecht, K. De Ridder, E. Thomas, 2022. Vulnerability mapping of 100 priority tree species in Central Africa to guide conservation and restoration efforts. Biological conservation, 270, 109554.

Bioclimate explorer, here showing the indicator ‘maximum temperature during the warmest month’.
Climate suitability for the endangered golden-headed lion tamarin in Brazil, for present conditions as well as for future time horizons under a medium climate scenario (RCP4.5), and resulting from a species suitability modelling exercise based on 1-km climate data contained in the biodiversity service, showing the disappearance of suitable living areas for the species.
Comparison of the 50-km (upper right) and 1-km  resolution (lower right) indicator fields, here for air temperature over Central Africa (bounding box in the left panel).
User requirements workshop organized by KMDA in the Antwerp Zoo.



Budget: 1.4M€

Funded by the European Commission, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Implemented by: 

  • Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia
  • Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia
  • Bioversity International
  • KMDA-CRC, Centre for Research and Conservation of the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp
  • Arcadis Belgium
  • National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Aqua)
  • VITO

 Project website